The unprecedented original document was auctioned and published in Look magazine, surprised by the actuality of its content. The sender, Álvaro Obregón Salido, born in the psyche Finance, Navojoa, Sonora on February 19, 1880, and died in Mexico City, on July 17, 1928. This Mexican political and military participated in the Mexican Revolution and was the 48th president of our country, ruling of December 1, 1920 to November 30, 1924.
Cajeme, Sonora, June 27, 1928.
Mr. Humberto Obregon.
Mexico City
My dear son, Humberto:
This day is of great importance in your life because it marks the date when you reach adulthood, producing this event the most important transition in the life of man. Now assume, by operation of law, the honorable title of citizen and you subtract from custody that your father would hold the address of your actions, you assume therefore, all responsibility for your future, without this means, of course, relieved that I consider the continued requirement that parents have to advise and support our children. And I wanted, because of this date, give tips derived from the knowledge gained through my experience and knowledge of the human heart, the intensity de mi vida me ha permitido adquirir y del privilegio que del destino he recibido al permitirme actuar en todas las clases sociales que integran la familia humana.
No pretendo incurrir en el error tan común en los padres, de querer transmitir su propia experiencia a los hijos; si la juventud es tan hermosa, lo es precisamente porque carece de esa experiencia. La experiencia no es sino el resumen de todas las rectificaciones que el tiempo, al transcurrir, viene haciendo del bello concepto que de la vida y de nuestros semejantes nos formamos, desde que entramos en posesión de nuestras propias facultades.
Lo primero que necesitan los hombres para orientar sus facultades en la vida, y para protegerse y defenderse de las circunstancias you are bad and that through no fault of their own converge on his will, is classified. Qualify
has been one of the problems, the scope of very few who know understand. You must, therefore, begin by doing so and I my experience auxiliarte.
You belong to the inept group up, with very rare exceptions, the children of people who have reached higher or lower positions, they become accustomed since childhood to receive every attention and hospitality, and have many things
as other children do not have and going for it, losing the notion of the great truths of life and entering a world that offers it all without requiring nothing, thereby creating an impression of superiority that comes to them believe that their conditions are those that are creditors of that privileged position. Those who are born and grow up under the aegis of the overhead, they are doomed by a fatal law, to always look down, because they feel that everything around them is beneath the site that they have placed the vagaries of fate and any target they choose as the ideal of their activities, must be below the level at which they are
However, those belonging to the lower classes and develop in an environment of utmost modesty, they are intended, happily, to always look for up because everything around them is greater than the medium in which they act, both in the landscape of his eyes in his spirit, and all the objectives of its ideals must always look on rising levels.
And the constant effort to get rid of the disadvantage in that the contingencies of life have placed them, strengthen their character and ingenuity rush and fail in many cases gain new skills to enable them to continue ever upward trajectory. Wit, which is not a science and that, therefore, can not learn in any education center, means the best ally in the struggle for life and can only buy those which have been forced for their own destiny in the ongoing effort to find their own powers. Cleverness is not the heritage of children or young people who have made no effort to acquire what they need.
The value of things is determined by the effort made to acquire and when everything is available without effecting any, is lost sight of what is worth the effort and it ignores the important role it plays in solving the major life problems, and time is left over, takes us away from virtue and vice us closer. And this is another negative factor for those born under vantage points.
All parents generally recommend their children away from vices. I have always believed that there is only one service, called "excess" and that it should all try to free men. I know many cases of people who make a habit of virtue, when they have exceeded in practice. Always try to engage in no excess and no one can say you have a single vice.
The logical target of every man who starts in the struggle for life, must aim to get everything that is indispensable in order to satisfy their own needs. Get the essential and necessary to be relatively easy for an honest man who does not practice any excess that you subtract your time and I must decrease income from their work. Any effort to achieve these purposes, is always justified and
always recognized by our peers, but if it falls into the error, so common unfortunately fell under the influence of the superfluous, every sacrifice will be sterile, because the world the superfluous is infinite, no limits and recognizes their needs are greater the greater satisfaction is to give.
superfluous is the greatest enemy of the human family, and the rule of vanity has sacrificed a lot for the welfare and tranquility that men enjoy, if their requirements have been subtracted, and lost much of the honor that sacrifice to excess has been sacrificed.
Of all these truths can only get rid of that, having a superior spirit, come to constitute exceptions to the rules always refer to the normal case. If you manage to be one of those exceptions, you have to accept that you have been a privileged destination, thus to honor you and meeting your father, get rid of the precedents established and you can create one personality, whose merit achieved without effort all recognized.
These are the desires of your father and your mother would, if she had not the destination private the infinite happiness that a mother must experience when his eldest son reaches his majority, without first giving their parents a source of shame or sorrow such as yours.
Gen. Alvaro Obregon. Commentary
Gaby Vargas: I think
read this letter should be mandatory for all parents that we strive to pave the way for our children, thinking that this way will be happier. Oh
error! And as the ideas are quickly forgotten, we should read the newspaper
. I share with you a few paragraphs ...
If you have one or more children, I am sure that this letter has made you think and realize like me, the serious error in which parents can drop, we educate our children by providing everything, of course driven and blinded by that great love we have.
That we can be ignorant to the fact that, to solve the life from small privileged our children, all you accomplish is turning in some nice 'parasites'. That by giving 'all peladito and mouth', fill them with toys and material things, to try not to suffer to get something and get more than they give, all you accomplish is to help destroy their self-esteem.
The more limits you put on your children will have more tools to succeed tomorrow ...