Sunday, November 14, 2010

Christian Sympathy Sayings

The House Rules (Anonimo)

In my house taught me well.

When I was a child, at home I was taught to honor two sacred rules:

Rule No. 1: In this house the rules are not discussed. Rule

N ° 2: In this house should respect mom and dad.

And this rule was strictly in that order. Mom's a requirement that no one discussed ... Not even Dad. Crafty old, because it kept us at bay with the simple threat: "You'll see when I get Dad ..." Because the mothers were at home. For all the dads went to work ... Because there was work for all parents and all parents returned home.

did not have to pay a ransom or go to remove them to the morgue. Respect for Authority dad (of course, graciously granted and sustained by my mom) was reason enough for enforce the rules.

You probably say that since I was a little boy under a cowardly conformist or if you prefer, a small fascist, but accept me
this: he was very relieved to know that you had rules to respect. The rules contained me, ordering me and protecting me. I contained the horizon for me that my eyes would not get lost in the nothingness, protected me because
could rely on them as they were solid .. And I ordered because it is good to know what to expect. Otherwise, one has the feeling of deep, neglect and absence.

rules were easy to carry, clear, memorable and so real and consistent as they were "washing their hands before sitting at the table" or "listen when adults speak."

was another detail, the same people that I imposed the rules were the same as those fulfilled to the letter and were responsible for all the house met. There were no differences. We were all equal before the Sacred Law

However, no doubt, often challenged the "rules" by the healthy and exciting process of "mischief" that allowed me to approach the edge of the universe and family know exactly the limits.
was always exposed, denounced and punished appropriately.

The prank and punishment wise belonged to the same process that allowed me to keep my sanity intact. There was not guilty without punishment and no punishment without blame. Do not tell me, you live in a world so predictable ..

The punishment was an elegant therapeutic outlet for all, which sheared away the bitterness and privileges. Therefore antics were not cumulative .. Neither did the two to one. A prank that such punishment.

never threatened me with something that is not willing and prepared to meet

So it was in my house. And that was supposed to be beyond the corner of my house. But no. They taught me well, but it was all wrong.
painfully slow and I found that beyond the corner of my house was "mischief" no "punishment", and a huge amount of "rules" were not met because the birthday is just a stupid (or an idiot, if I may).

The world into which I threw without anesthesia was upside down.
I knew something that, from my naive adult (yes, I'm still naive), I never could digest, but always I have to eat, "the

Want to know something? In my house there was impunity. In my house there was justice, justice simple, clear and immediate. But there were also

'll explain: Justice, because "that makes the pay." Pity, because you met the stipulated sentence and was excused, and his dignity was intact and standing. At the corner for so long, and ready ... And not a minute more, and not a minute less. On the other hand, one was convinced that it would be caught sooner or later, so I had to think very carefully before pulling up to the plate.

The rules were clear. The punishments were clear. So it was in my house.
And so I thought it was in life. But I was wrong. Today I must admit that in my childhood home was something that made the difference, and made everything work.

In my house had a "Third Rule" unwritten and, like all the unwritten rules, had the force of a sacred precept. This was the golden rule that presided over the behavior of my house:

Rule No. 3: Do not be insolent. If you broke the rule, accept it, become responsible and do what needs to be done to put things in place

This is the rule that was demolished in the society in which they live. That's what ruined us. Insolence. You can break a rule, is their risk, but if someone calls attention o es atrapado, no sea arrogante e insolente, tenga el coraje de aceptarlo y hacerse responsable.
 Pisar el césped, cruzar por la mitad de la cuadra, pasar semáforos en rojo, tirar
papeles al piso, tratar de pisar a los peatones, todas son travesuras que se pueden enmendar... a no ser que uno viva en una sociedad plagada de insolentes. La insolencia de romper la regla, sentirse un vivo, e insultar, ultrajar y denigrar al que responsablemente intenta advertirle o hacerla respetar. Así no hay remedio.
El mal del mundo es la insolencia. La insolencia está compuesta de petulancia, descaro y desvergüenza. La insolencia hace un culto de cuatro principios:

- pretend to know everything.
- have reason to die.
- Do not listen.
- I care only if you serve me.

The insolence in my country allows people to starve and children do not have health or education. The insolence in my country succeeds that can not work receive a subsidy from the taxes paid
who can work (very fair), but can not work while the roads are closed and do not leave work those who can work to bring taxes to those who, defiantly, prevent them from working.
Read it again, because it seems impossible.
So let us all be unemployed.
insolence Because you do not mind, is small, ignorant and arrogant.

Well, and so it goes. Ah, I forgot, sacred rules of my house would be the same as yours?
How interesting.
Do you know that too many people have told me that these were also the rules at home?
So many people I confirmed that I concluded that we are a majority. So I wonder, if we are so many, why so easily get used to the abuses of the insolent? I'll answer it.

BECAUSE IT'S COMFORTABLE, and you get used to anything, not having to take responsibility. Why take responsibility is to take a commitment and commitment is to accept the risk of being rejected or criticized. Furthermore, although the vast majority are not good for anything, they are few but well-organized. However, I want to know how many are those who are willing to abide by these rules.

I propose we do something to identify with us. Notire papers in the street. If you see a paper pulled him up and throw it in a trash can. If no trash, take it with you until you find it. If you see someone throwing a paper on the street just you and lift
complies with rule 1. It will not spend much time in which we are more to raise the same paper.

If pedestrian crossing where it belongs and to respect the traffic lights, but not pass any vehicle, stay standing and respect the rule.

If you are a motorist, obey traffic lights and pedestrian rights respected. Be polite while driving, take the step shows education.
If out walking your dog, pick up trash.

All this seems very silly, but do not believe it is the only way to begin to shake off our proverbial insolence. I think the collective insolence has one antidote, responsibility individual.
I think the greatness of a nation begins to learn to keep it clean and orderly ...
If we can all do this, we will be able to do anything.
Because we have to learn to do every day. That is the challenge.
The successful because they are insolent insolent every day, all the time.
Our country is doomed: Or learn to shoulder the load always discipline or repentance.

I hope I have been insolent. In that case, sorry.