The other day I read a blog post from @ AliciaAlarcon and I remembered that at 68 I was there. He had I locked ...
This is the story:
married I had a cousin who sadly died many years ago. With 2 small children and lived in one of those departments Lerdo Street in Tlatelolco, was on the ground floor.
Each week at least 3 times I went to eat at home. We expected to reach her husband (The Felon) and usually after a delicious meal cooked by my cousin, we played basket late. Mexico was another altogether.
That evening in fact was the last time we did this ritual as soon moved there.
Arrive as always greet and then the children.
then followed her into the kitchen to talk while he finished cooking.
course the main theme were all student movement events of recent days and especially the rally that day, October 2, 1968. Llego el Pelon
which was also my cousin and commented that the truck was getting off the bread as usual and the square (of the Three Cultures) was already full.
started to eat I do not remember that but for sure very rich. As we did we heard much buzz on the street. We knew it was getting crowded and the hairless and I discussed that we would go for a while. This of course is opposed my cousin but anyway would go.
For those days had almost total support of the population of the student movement.
That alone was a big problem because we now know the situation was getting out of control to the government and the Olympics were a few days.
finished eating, we left and headed for the tunnel passing under the street that now is the Eje Lazaro Cardenas. This Lerdo Street connecting to La Plaza de las Tres Culturas. We did not get either the tunnel entrance.
the shooting began. At first we were puzzled but the tunnel quickly filled with people running towards us shouting now: "We are shooting the riot. "
went into panic and ran back to the department.
entering my cousin questioned us on the brink of hysteria, but did not know anything except what we heard and saw.
The screams were ever greater and panic in the streets the gunfire increased.
We started screaming that her brother was a teacher and a student leader was at the rally.
She asked her husband (the brother also lived in Tlatelolco but across the street from Lerdo), crying to go see if he was in his apartment. I of course point to accompany me. Of course we never think about the risk to leave and go get it.
Out in the street Lerdo people were running everywhere.
traffic stopped, cars, trucks nothing moved. Those who were still in the abandoned car and ran. Trucks were also taken by students on their way to the rally caught. They tried to turn around but stayed stuck in the median further aggravating the problem.
not even know how to cross the street to the apartment from Lerdo my cousin, and obviously we were not, we return immediately.
For those times, if possible, because the situation was worse.
taken the fire trucks. The bullets were now more frequent bursts nearby. Ambulances could be heard everywhere.
The truth does not even know how to return to the department.
was total chaos, because people also do not know to where to run. The panic to people shouting "Here come the riot" and they changed course again. It fell the stepped
was a nightmare all.
trying to cross back Lerdo people now started running towards us saying that they were the Grenadiers by Ricardo Flores Magon Street was on our right. We stopped for a moment and come to see soldiers walking on the avenue. The catcalls and shouting insults mothers accompanied the dead on fire trucks. My fear was terrible but the adrenaline made me want to go to see what happened.
Suddenly a hail of bullets came close to where we were. Realizing the imminent danger of El Pelon pulled my arm because I wanted to stop and see this thing that nobody could imagine that my young life was incredible. But it took me back to the department. (Testing saved my life when I least I think so far)
Upon arrival my cousin was in mass hysteria. We cry when we saw his brother as he closed the door. Please note that in no. Soon the lights went out and stopped working the phone and slowly getting dark and we kept hearing gunshots and screaming sirens.
suddenly began to arrive People knocking on the door. Since the area was cordoned off and everyone was dead of fear.
With much fear and reservation, but with a sense of solidarity and condemnation El Pelon value I pass to those who touched it, aware of the risk we ran all.
not remember how many people let it go but there were several. Most were men dressed in suits and brought memories to some portfolios.
The department was very small and almost filled all remained standing. There together in the dark dead of fear and talked. We never knew who they were or their names or where they lived. Only vaguely remember their faces full of fear and hatred, some with tears. Suspirábamos
All and we shivered as gusts reached near or screams and the endless noise of the ambulances had us in a total state of panic.
lost track of how long time does not pass. As
was later shot each time was less and almost no ambulances were screaming but did not stop.
People were gradually taking courage and decided to leave. Some single other in pairs. Soon we were alone. Entry
night my uncle and my cousin's dad came for us. Not living in Tlatelolco.
Never ask how you managed to enter Tlatelolco. In fact nobody talked about what happened a long time.
Entering the depa
had the countenance of a corpse. The sunken eyes and dry mouth wide, his voice was thick and firm usually totally broken. He was brown but her face was white and reflected much concern.
El Pelon would not go and leave the house alone, was left to care despite our allegations that he did not.
I probably would have done the same. Children
My cousin and I went with my uncle in his car dead of fear.
Volteábamos for all sides but it was very dark and almost nothing was visible. The light had begun to hit the streets but were not luminaries like now and almost no well-lit. Leaving saw
a true siege. The military checkpoints all over with.
Ambulances were coming and going.
I asked my cousin to my uncle if I go to see her brother and commented that there was little time.
El Pelon then told us that another day does not know what to do but it was too early to work. He watched as they washed the Plaza of Three Cultures and the streets with pipes and collecting shoes and objects that were thrown everywhere.
Over the weeks we were finding out by stories like this all happened because the media said nothing.
To date I shudder when I remember and even when carrying out movies and the other never could see.
cousin whom went to look if it was at the rally, but that's another story that did not live. I just told it many years later. The trauma experienced as saved by a soldier who let him escape. Imprisoned for many years, all without being able to tell.
very special thanks to @ sonnyluna for taking the time to read and make me some valuable feedback.