The most important thing I've done in life, took place on May 9, 2000 ...
the day I started playing tennis with a friend
had not seen in a long time. Between play and play told me that he and his wife had just had a baby.
As we played, was the father of my friend, shocked, told her that the baby had been rushed to hospital.
In an instant, my friend came to his father's car and left.
I, for one moment, I stayed where I was, not knowing what to do.
Follow me "friend to the hospital?.
my presence there, I said, it would not serve anything, because the child will be cared for doctors and nurses, and nothing of what I did o dijera iba a cambiar las cosas.
¿Brindarle mi apoyo moral?.
Eso, quizás, pero tanto él como su esposa provenían de familias numerosas, y sin duda estarían rodeados de parientes, que les ofrecerían el apoyo necesario.
Lo único que haría yo sería estorbar.
Así que decidí ir mas tarde al hospital a visitar a mi amigo.
Al poner en marcha mi auto, me percaté que mi amigo había dejado su camioneta con las llaves puestas, estacionada junto a las canchas.
Decidí pues, cerrar el auto e ir al hospital a entregarle las llaves.
Como supuse, la sala de espera estaba llena de familiares. No tardo en presentarse un médico, que se acercó a la pareja and quietly told them that their baby had died.
Parents hugged and wept, while everyone else we surround you in the silence and pain. To me my friend, took refuge in my arms and said: Thanks for being here.
During the rest of the morning sat in the hospital emergency room to see my friend and his wife holding up her baby and leave him.
This is the most important thing I did in my life, and that experience left me three lessons: First
: the most important thing I did in life, occurred when there was absolutely nothing I could do. Nothing rational
learned in college or in the exercise of my profession, I served in such circumstances. Two people came to them a disgrace and all I could do was join them and wait, but being there, was the main thing ...
Second: learned that learning to think, I almost forgot to feel.
Third: learned that life can change in an instant. Thus, we conceive our future plans and as real, and forget that losing your job, suffer a serious illness or accident and many other things can alter the future in the blink of an eye.
Since that day, I sought a balance between work and life; I learned that no job offset lost a holiday break with family or spend a holiday away from family. And I learned the most important thing in life, not earn money or move up the social ladder, or receive honors ...
most important thing in life is to devote time to cultivate a friendship.
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