Post dedicated to @ lilacm (The original single girl Ye Ye)
Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross (1926-2004) was one of the first people to look honestly the relationship we have with death.
She has been one of the most famous expert on death and worked with thousands of terminal patients.
studied 20,000 cases of people worldwide who had been declared clinically dead and who then had returned to life. Some had grown naturally and others were revived.
Below is a summary in their own words, taken from his book On Life After Death on the most important aspects of what happens at death, a way to increase our knowledge about this and thus achieve greater peace of mind to get thinking at the time of our death or our loved ones and reach a different perception of life itself.
"The experience of dying is almost identical to the experience of birth. It is the birth of a different form of existence which can be tested very simply. For thousands of years
made you believe in things beyond. But for me, and not about believing but knowing. "
There are three stages at the time of death. The death of the human body is identical to what happens when a butterfly emerges from its cocoon.
The cocoon can be compared to the human body, but is not identical to your real self, but just about the house you live for a while.
die is moving from one house to another, much more beautiful.
As soon as the bud is in irreparable condition, the throttle is released.
In this second stage, the human being is fed power psychic. As soon as your soul leaves your body, you realize immediately that you can perceive everything that happens in the place where they died.
However, you are not recording all these events through your earth consciousness, but with another kind of new consciousness.
You can find out what other people say exactly what they think and how they act.
In this second stage has died you will also notice that it is full again.
People who were blind, can see again, and people could not hear and speak, you can do it again. Those of my patients suffering from multiple sclerosis, told me in joy after returning from a near-death experience "Dr. Ross, I could dance again."
We did an experiment with blind people: Those who had an experience "outside of his body" and returned, I could tell in detail what colors and what jewelry wore if you were present at the time.
In this second stage will notice that no one dies alone.
When you leave your physical body, one can not speak more in terms of time, space or distance in the usual sense because they are a terrestrial phenomenon.
In this sense, one realizes that no one dies alone because the deceased is able to visit you want.
addition, there are people waiting for you to die before you, whom you love and appreciate a lot.
What the church teaches children about guardian angels is based on fact. There is evidence that each human being from birth to death, is guided by a spiritual entity. We all have this spiritual guide, we believe in it or not. Some young children are known as "Imaginary Friends."
A patient of mine, and old came to me: "He is back here. As a child, he was always with me, but I had completely forgotten existed."
She died a day later, full of that knowing someone who loves is waiting ...
In general, people who are waiting for us on the other side are those who most love us.
In cases of very young children, whose parents, grandparents and other relatives still live, are met by their guardian angels, or Jesus or other religious figure.
I've never met Protestant no child is received by the Virgin Mary, but was seen by many Catholic children.
This is not due to an issue of discrimination, but simply are received by significant others for you.
Before you leave your physical body to perform the metamorphosis into the form that will for all eternity, you go through a stage that is fully impregnated with earth images.
You might find yourself floating through a tunnel, through a large door or crossing a bridge. Everyone finds the sky
have imagined.
After you've passed through this tunnel, bridge or gate, you're at the end of it surrounded by light.
This light is whiter than white. It is very bright, and every time you approach closer to her, you feel more and more surrounded by the largest, indescribable and unconditional love that you could imagine. If someone
is having a near death experience, is allowed to see this light only for a brief moment. After that, you should return. But when you die really, the connection between the cocoon and the butterfly breaks.
After that, you can not return to your earthly body. But you would not want him back anyway, because after seeing the light no one wants to return. In this light, you will experience for the first time what the man might have been. Here you'll find non-judgmental understanding, and unconditional love.
In this presence, you know that your whole life on earth was just a school you had to attend in order to pass certain tests and learn special lessons.
As soon as you complete this school and learn your lessons, will be allowed to return home, you graduate!
Some people ask: "Why do children die?"
The answer is simple.
They learned in a very short time what one has to learn, which can be different things.
One thing everyone has to learn before returning and unconditional love.
If you have learned and practiced this, you have learned the greatest lesson of all.
In the presence of light, you have to turn to see what was in your life from day to last. With
this display of your life you've reached the third stage.
will know in detail every thought you had, you remember every word, every act.
This summary is only a small part of your knowledge because at this time also know all the consequences resulting from each of your thoughts, words and deeds.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
(Zurich, 1926 - Scottsdale, Arizona, 2004).
Swiss-American psychiatrist, one of the world's leading experts on the subject of death
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