Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blue Prints For Making A Bench

never done this (and it sure is very often the other post, but still), but I have a few days ago a couple of things to add to the theme of the Stalkers.

Another .
"Dime Que No," Arjona Ricky ', a large type, right? Of his works can be rescued so many things, but this gem is very stalkery, no?

There are a thousand movies, but I will name one that is half documentary. It's called "My Date With Drew " , focusing on a type that follows Mrs. Barrymore since I was a girl (and he) and makes a lot of thing to be able to meet with her in a stalkery way.

Bonus Track: A Web site: It's like IMDB but focusing on the relationships.

And ta, I leave it there.

Greetings, LEFEVRE.


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