Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Causes Of An Enlarged Heart
Dr. Oz's 25 Greatest Health Tips
By: Mehmet Oz, M.D.
My patients are among my best teachers. They've taught me how to communicate clearly—and how to live a better life. On The Dr. Oz Show, I've seen that once people are emotionally involved, change happens quickly, especially if they feel that their behavior is letting loved ones down. Large-scale change seems daunting. We want simple routines that we can automatically follow. Adopt some of the steps here, which anyone can do, and you will like your life more in just a couple of weeks. And you'll live longer. Try them—they work for me.
Laughing not only eases stress, promotes social bonding, and lowers blood pressure, it may also boost your immune system. So bring some humor into your life, whether it's through friends or even a new TV show (preferably mine).
Don't Skip Breakfast
Fiber in the morning means less hunger late in the afternoon, when you're most likely to feel tired and gorge yourself on sugar. My morning dose comes from steel-cut oatmeal, usually mixed with raisins, walnuts, and flaxseed oil. An early start on eating also keeps your metabolism more active throughout the day; breakfast eaters are thinner than people who just rush out the door.
Hit the Sack
Conan and Dave are funny, but they're not worth the strain on your system. Seven hours of sleep a night not only helps you live longer, but also lowers your stress, sharpens your memory, and reduces cravings for pants-splitting foods. Set a bedtime and stick to it. My target is 10:30 p.m. I record the late shows and then watch them the next day as I pedal a stationary bike.
Admire Your Work
Don't be so trigger-happy with the flusher. Turn around and take a look at your poop, which speaks volumes about your gut and overall health. Poop should be smooth and S-shaped, like your colon. If it comes out too lumpy, or drops into the bowl like marbles, you're constipated. Increase your fiber and water intake. This happens to me when I travel, so I fiber-load before a trip to avoid getting irritable.
Don't Pamper Your Bad Back
Even if you're hunched over in agony, taking to your bed will only make a bad back worse. The latest research shows that bed rest weakens back muscles and prolongs the suffering. Married men may suffer more than single men because of all the pampering. I used to love milking the care from Lisa, but the best solution is to get up, take a pain reliever, and be a soldier.
Taste the Colors
Foods with bright, rich colors are more than just nice to look at. They're also packed with flavonoids and carotenoids, powerful compounds that bind the damaging free radicals in your body, lowering inflammation. (Sadly, skittles do not count.) Eat nine fistfuls of colorful fruits and vegetables each day and you'll reap the benefits without having to give up other foods. Whenever I shop the produce aisle, I'm reminded that these foods are often more powerful than the drugs sold in pharmacies. My favorites are arugula and blueberries.
Brushing is Not Enough
If you plan to spend your later years eating more than yogurt and applesauce, invest in some floss. No matter how thoroughly or long you brush your teeth, you're missing a good portion of their total surface. That's like washing one armpit after a workout. But the dangers of skipping floss go beyond hygiene: The bacteria that linger can increase your risk of heart disease. I use Reach Ultraclean floss, which stretches to glide between teeth.
Take a Deep Belly Breath
Do this anywhere, anytime. Push out your bellows and suck air through your nose until your lungs are full. They'll fill with nitric oxide, a chemical found in the back of your nose that opens up blood vessels. The dose of oxygen will make you feel happier and more alert. This is my secret technique for calming down before a show or a tough stitch in the OR.
Join a Yoga Class
Yoga is the most important exer cise of my daily routine. Being surrounded by beautiful women in spandex should be reason enough for you to join a class, but if you need more motivation, consider this: Yoga eases stress, lowers blood pressure, slows heart rates, and increases flexibility. And there's nothing mystical about it. Loosening your muscles will make them more adaptable, so you may be less likely to injure yourself playing sports. Sure, some of the poses may look ridiculous, but that's for a reason you'll learn quickly enough. Yoga can reach and work muscles that are ignored during routine sports and daily life. My favorite maneuver is the sun salutation.
Don't Be an Island
Ever wonder why women live longer than men do? One major reason: They form tight networks and actually talk about their problems. If you face life's stresses alone, you will make yourself older. Bankruptcy, for example, causes enough stress to wreak havoc on your body. With another person's love and support, that inner aging can be reduced.
Avoid Fad Diets
The secret to weight loss is not to avoid carbs, fats, yellow foods, solid foods, or foods that start with the letter G. The real trick is to lower your daily intake by about 100 calories. You'll hardly notice, but it'll add up to a loss of about 10 pounds in a year. Calorie restriction has been shown to lengthen life (in rats and monkeys). I cut back once a year to reset my appetite and tastebuds. Healthy food tastes great afterward. Frankly, any food would.
Be a Smart Patient
Your doctor can help keep you in good health, but the responsibility ultimately falls on you. Seek a second opinion before undergoing any procedure, because 30 percent of the time, that opinion will change the diagnosis or plan. Keep a written medical history, and educate yourself about any family problems, even if that means calling your creepy uncle. You might even consider signing onto Microsoft HealthVault or Google Health, so your files are accessible in case you find yourself in trouble away from home.
Lose the Beer Belly
Most men fasten their belts below their waists. It's just another way of avoiding the truth about that gut. Grab a tape measure and put it around your body at the level of your belly button. That number should be less than half your height. So for my 6'1" frame, I need to keep my waist under 36.5". If avoiding heart attacks and diabetes isn't enough motivation to eliminate that gut, consider this: For every point your body mass index is over 25, your testosterone drops 3 percent, which isn't very manly.
Go Green
I drink green tea three times a day. It's packed with heart-boosting and cancer-stopping polyphenols that black tea doesn't offer. (These beneficial chemicals are lost when it's fermented.) Green tea also delivers a boost of alertness, but from a smaller dose of caffeine than black tea. Green tea can even fight dandruff, although only if you pour it directly onto your scalp. (It's probably a good idea to let it cool down first.)
Sweat Till You're Wet
If you can work up a sweat for just 1 hour a week, you'll enjoy a range of benefits: reduced risk of heart attack, better mood, and lower blood pressure. I like interval training on the elliptical, with 15 pullups and 15 dips every 10 minutes. Your muscles will become more efficient, so you'll have more stamina for more enjoyable activities that also work up a sweat.
Put It in the Bank
Most people rank personal finance as their number one stressor, usually because they feel powerless. Stress not only shortens lives, it also drives people to habits like smoking, drinking, or bingeing on food. Keep some money in a special bank account, safe from your lust for a new television, and you'll establish an emotional comfort zone with major health benefits.
Have as Much Sex as Possible
If a 50-something man could have sex 700 times a year, the exercise and stress reduction would make him look and feel years younger. I wouldn't recommend quitting your day job in order to hit that number—but what's the harm in trying? The next time your loved one says she has a headache, tell her she's literally killing you. It works for me.
Know Your Numbers, Then Aim Lower
Take the part of your brain dedicated to your steak house's phone number and reassign it to your heart's vital signs. These include blood pressure (which ideally should be below 115 over 75), LDL cholesterol (under 100), resting heart rate (under 70), and fasting blood sugar (under 100). If your numbers aren't ideal, change your diet until they improve.
Add Some Weights
Just 30 minutes twice a week spent lifting weights can build significant muscle mass. What's more, working all that muscle burns tons of calories, making it a great way to lose your gut, too. Don't have weights? Try lifting yourself: Pullups are the most valuable muscle-building exercises I do. Oprah's trainer, Bob Greene, pointed out to me that pullups work the back, pecs, arms, and belly all at once. And since you're lifting yourself, you'll think twice before eating that doughnut, because you'll just have to lift it later.
Grab Your Nuts
Nuts are among the best sources of healthful fats and protein around. I keep a bag of walnuts in my fridge and use their massive dose of omega-3 fatty acids to boost my brainpower while I see patients. Half of a handful eaten about 30 minutes before a meal will temper your appetite and help you avoid the drive-thru.
No, Seriously, Grab Your Nuts
Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men in the 15-to-35 age group, but it's usually curable if it's caught early enough. I strongly urge you to grab your testicles. Check them for bumps at least once a month. Each testicle should feel smooth and slightly soft, and one should hang slightly lower than the other, like two avocados (which, in Aztec, actually means "testicles") growing on a tree.
Hit the Dance Floor
Crosswords and card games aren't the only way to keep your brain razor sharp. It turns out that any kind of dancing with complex moves is stimulating enough to give your neurons a workout. Even the simplest moves provide some physical exercise. So don't be such a wallflower on your next night out. As a bonus, dancing may help you with tip No. 17.
Do Your Penis a Favor . . .
. . . and step on a treadmill. Men who exercise enough to burn 200 calories a day significantly lower their chances of impotence. That's because impotence often has the same cause as heart attacks: blocked arteries. Your penis is like a dipstick for your arteries, so check it. If you're interested in keeping it up later in life, lace up the sneakers now.
Learn to Cook
Think you know how much butter goes into those mashed potatoes at a restaurant? You're probably off by half. If you can cook, you not only save money but also gain control over what goes into your meals. Plus, for most women, a man who knows how to cook is as sexy as one who stars in movies. I have trouble boiling water. Thankfully, I'm already married.
Some Pills Should Be Popped
The indoor life gives modern man protection from the elements and the ability to watch Gossip Girl in private. Unfortunately, roughly half of us are deficient in vitamin D which the sun is a major source. This crucial vitamin may aid in fighting cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. I take a 1,000 IU supplement each morning.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Home Built Trailer Ontario
1. No Desayunar.
La gente que no desayuna tiene low blood sugar. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.
2.How much.
It causes hardening of the arteries of the brain, causing a decrease in mental.
3. Smoking. Causes
brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer's.
4. Consuming high amounts of sugar. High consumption of sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.
5. Inhaling polluted air.
The brain is the largest consumer body's oxygen. Inhaling polluted air decreases the oxygen generating a decrease in brain efficiency.
6. Little sleep.
Sleep allows our brain to rest .. Lack of sleep for long periods accelerates the loss of brain cells.
7. Sleeping with your head covered.
Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and oxygen decreases causing adverse effects to our brain.
8. Working your brain during illness.
Working and studying with sickness as well as the difficulty of the brain to respond in that state, it hurts.
9. Lack of stimulation.
think is the best way to stimulate our brain do not cause the brain shrinkage and therefore capacity.
10. Intelligent Conversation Practice. deep and intellectual conversations promote brain efficiency ..
main causes liver damage.
1. Sleep late and waking up late
2. Not urinating in the morning
3. Eating too
4. Skipping breakfast
5. Eating lots of drugs
6. Eating preservatives, colorings, artificial sweeteners
7. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. Much as you can reduce consumption fried foods even when using healthy oils. Do not consume fried foods when you're tired or sick unless you are very slim, but if you can, avoid them.
8. Consuming raw or overcooked they add load to the liver. Vegetables should be eaten raw or steamed.
We follow this advice without involving higher spending. We just have to adopt a healthier lifestyle and improve our eating habits .. Maintaining good eating habits and exercise are many and good for our body absorbs what it needs and eliminate chemicals in their "schedule."
reason to sleep early and wake up early.
From 9pm - 11pm: is the time in which the body carries out elimination of unnecessary and toxic chemicals (detoxification) through the lymphatic system of our body. This schedule should be used at night to find a state of relaxation, listening to music, for example. Usually at this time moms carry out activities such as cleaning the kitchen and monitor that everything is ready for business the next day, etc. how are you inhibit activities relaxation which generates a negative effect on health.
From 11pm - 1am: The body performs the detoxification process of the liver, and ideally should be processed in a state of deep sleep.
During the early hours of the morning 1 - 3am: detoxification process in the gallbladder, ideally it should also happen in a state of deep sleep.
Early morning 3 - 5am: detoxification in the lungs. That is why sometimes in this schedule be a severe cough. When the detoxification process had reached the respiratory tract is best not to cough because they interfere in the process of eliminating toxins.
Morning 5 - 7am: detoxification of the colon, is the time to go to the bathroom to empty the bowel.
During the morning from 7 - 9am: absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, is the perfect time for breakfast. If you are sick you should breakfast be earlier, before 6:30 am.
Breakfast before 7:30 am is very beneficial to those wanting to stay fit ..
Those who always skip breakfast, they should seek to change the habit, being the least harmful place between 9:00 and 10:00 am instead of not doing so completely.
sleep late and wake up later interrupted the process of removing unnecessary chemicals in your body. Besides
keep in mind that from 12:00 to 4:00 am is the time in which your bone marrow bones produces blood, so he tries to sleep and not stay up late.
The 5 Worst Cancer Causing Foods:
1. Because
sausages are high in sodium nitrate. The "Cancer Prevention Coalition, warns that children should eat no more than 12 hot dogs a month. If you can not live without buying sausages which are made without sodium nitrate.
2. Processed meats and bacon
also contains high levels of sodium nitrate also increase the risk of heart disease. The saturated fat in bacon is also a major contributor to the generation of cancer.
Las Donas Donas are doubly cause cancer. First they are made with fluoride, refined sugar and hydrogenated oil, are then fried at high temperatures. The donuts are the first "food" all you can eat that will increase your risk of generating highly cancer.
4. As
fries donuts, french fries are made with hydrogenated oils and then cooked at high temperatures. They also contain acryl amide generated during the cooking process at high temperatures. Should be called cancer fries instead of chips.
5. Snacks and cookies
All these are usually made with fluorine and sugar. Even labels that are proudly presented as free of trans fat-containing usually only in small amounts.
TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH Live Life Without Limits!
This Post is a summary of emails sent to me.
The vast majority of claims are proven.
1. No Desayunar.
La gente que no desayuna tiene low blood sugar. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.
2.How much.
It causes hardening of the arteries of the brain, causing a decrease in mental.
3. Smoking. Causes
brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer's.
4. Consuming high amounts of sugar. High consumption of sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.
5. Inhaling polluted air.
The brain is the largest consumer body's oxygen. Inhaling polluted air decreases the oxygen generating a decrease in brain efficiency.
6. Little sleep.
Sleep allows our brain to rest .. Lack of sleep for long periods accelerates the loss of brain cells.
7. Sleeping with your head covered.
Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and oxygen decreases causing adverse effects to our brain.
8. Working your brain during illness.
Working and studying with sickness as well as the difficulty of the brain to respond in that state, it hurts.
9. Lack of stimulation.
think is the best way to stimulate our brain do not cause the brain shrinkage and therefore capacity.
10. Intelligent Conversation Practice. deep and intellectual conversations promote brain efficiency ..
main causes liver damage.
1. Sleep late and waking up late
2. Not urinating in the morning
3. Eating too
4. Skipping breakfast
5. Eating lots of drugs
6. Eating preservatives, colorings, artificial sweeteners
7. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. Much as you can reduce consumption fried foods even when using healthy oils. Do not consume fried foods when you're tired or sick unless you are very slim, but if you can, avoid them.
8. Consuming raw or overcooked they add load to the liver. Vegetables should be eaten raw or steamed.
We follow this advice without involving higher spending. We just have to adopt a healthier lifestyle and improve our eating habits .. Maintaining good eating habits and exercise are many and good for our body absorbs what it needs and eliminate chemicals in their "schedule."
reason to sleep early and wake up early.
From 9pm - 11pm: is the time in which the body carries out elimination of unnecessary and toxic chemicals (detoxification) through the lymphatic system of our body. This schedule should be used at night to find a state of relaxation, listening to music, for example. Usually at this time moms carry out activities such as cleaning the kitchen and monitor that everything is ready for business the next day, etc. how are you inhibit activities relaxation which generates a negative effect on health.
From 11pm - 1am: The body performs the detoxification process of the liver, and ideally should be processed in a state of deep sleep.
During the early hours of the morning 1 - 3am: detoxification process in the gallbladder, ideally it should also happen in a state of deep sleep.
Early morning 3 - 5am: detoxification in the lungs. That is why sometimes in this schedule be a severe cough. When the detoxification process had reached the respiratory tract is best not to cough because they interfere in the process of eliminating toxins.
Morning 5 - 7am: detoxification of the colon, is the time to go to the bathroom to empty the bowel.
During the morning from 7 - 9am: absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, is the perfect time for breakfast. If you are sick you should breakfast be earlier, before 6:30 am.
Breakfast before 7:30 am is very beneficial to those wanting to stay fit ..
Those who always skip breakfast, they should seek to change the habit, being the least harmful place between 9:00 and 10:00 am instead of not doing so completely.
sleep late and wake up later interrupted the process of removing unnecessary chemicals in your body. Besides
keep in mind that from 12:00 to 4:00 am is the time in which your bone marrow bones produces blood, so he tries to sleep and not stay up late.
The 5 Worst Cancer Causing Foods:
1. Because
sausages are high in sodium nitrate. The "Cancer Prevention Coalition, warns that children should eat no more than 12 hot dogs a month. If you can not live without buying sausages which are made without sodium nitrate.
2. Processed meats and bacon
also contains high levels of sodium nitrate also increase the risk of heart disease. The saturated fat in bacon is also a major contributor to the generation of cancer.
Las Donas Donas are doubly cause cancer. First they are made with fluoride, refined sugar and hydrogenated oil, are then fried at high temperatures. The donuts are the first "food" all you can eat that will increase your risk of generating highly cancer.
4. As
fries donuts, french fries are made with hydrogenated oils and then cooked at high temperatures. They also contain acryl amide generated during the cooking process at high temperatures. Should be called cancer fries instead of chips.
5. Snacks and cookies
All these are usually made with fluorine and sugar. Even labels that are proudly presented as free of trans fat-containing usually only in small amounts.
TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH Live Life Without Limits!
This Post is a summary of emails sent to me.
The vast majority of claims are proven.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Affidavit Of Small Estate, Fl
El Limón (Citrus limonun Risso, Citrus limon (L.) Burm., Citrus medica) is a miracle product to kill cancer cells. Is 10,000 times more potent than chemotherapy. Why are not aware it? Because there are organizations interested in finding a synthetic version, which allows them to make fabulous profits. So from now on you can help a friend in need, letting you know that you should drink lemon juice to prevent the disease. Its flavor is agradable.Y of course does not produce the horrific effects of chemotherapy. And yes it is doing so, plant a lemon tree in your yard or jardín.Todas parts are useful.
The next time you want to drink a juice, natural lemon ask for it without preservatives.
How many people die while this has been a closely guarded secret so as not to in irrigation multimillion profits of large corporations?
As you well know the lemon tree is low. Does not occupy much space. He is known by the name of Lemon, lemon, lime, Limoeiro (gal.) LLIMONA (cat.), limoiaritz (eusk.).
The vegetable is a citrus fruit that comes in different forms flesh can eat it directly or it is normally used to make drinks, sherbet, sweets etc. ..
The interest of this plant is due to its strong anti-cancer effects. And although he attributed many more properties, the most interesting is the effect it produces on cysts and tumors. This plant is a remedy proved cancer for cancers of all types. Some argue that it is useful in all forms of cancer.
It is considered also as an anti-microbial spectrum against bacterial and fungal infections. It is effective against internal parasites and worms, regulates high blood pressure and antidepressant, combat stress and nervous disorders.
The source of this information is fascinating: it comes from one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world, who says that after more than 20 laboratory tests conducted from 1970 extracts showed that: Destroy
cells malignas en 12 tipos de cáncer, incluyendo el de colon, de pecho, de próstata, pulmón y del páncreas.
Los compuestos de este árbol demostraron actuar 10,000 veces mejor retardando el crecimiento de las células de cáncer que el producto Adriamycin, una droga quimioterapéutica, normalmente usada en el mundo.
Y lo que es todavía más asombroso: este tipo de terapia con el extracto de limón, destruye tan sólo las malignas células del cáncer y no afecta las células sanas.
Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud, L.L.C. 819 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 1201
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Religious Sympahty Quotes
Recommendations Nobel Laureate in Medicine, the Brazilian oncologist Drauzio Varella.
a. Third Age: Officially from 60, but for marketing reasons some companies have advanced to 55 (eg supermarkets).
is supposed to be over age 80 (no consensus). B.
Fourth Age and Aging: Beginning at age 80 and ends at 90. C.
Longevity: Starts at 90 and ends when you die, if you spend the 100 and are "flesh of a mummy"
d. Healthy Aging: No one is healthy at 50, are healthy young people, old people are always one or many ailments that are specific to age. It
question then is healthy aging, this is controlled with the aches and without complications.
If you want to know how live and how to get to that age MIRA O REMEMBER YOUR OLD. The genetic load is essential to establish a prognosis. Who had cancer or stroke before 60 transmit genes to their children so the likelihood of developing these diseases increases. Logically
developing a chronic disease requires the presence of several factors, the gene is only one of them.
"We are what we eat and naturists say they were right. If genetic load in addition to push you 3 or 4 teaspoons of sugar in each coffee you drink, taste all the flakes of grilled chicken and smack you with the Greaves of the weekend are becoming pipes (arteries) in your circulatory system, the equivalent of a soda straw sucking. Ergo, there is good circulation, no good oxygenation, translation = cell death otrosí say = untimely aging. Therefore if you want a healthy old age, from the age of 50 watch your diet and stop eating junk.
A good breakfast, good lunch and a bad (low) dinner are the key to balancing your internal environment. So Aquaman, stop zamparte lomo saltado a double at each meeting!
Coupled with the diet is drinking. Abandon all gaseous, that can take young people, not us. All soft drinks have sodium carbonate, sugar and caffeine. At our age, these substances are stomping the pancreas and liver to wear them. Making chicha, lemonade, juices. Even the beer is better and which is made with boiled water, has natural ingredients and NO SODIUM (eye hypertensive). On the other hand there is much clinical evidence showing that moderate consumption of alcohol after age 50 improves the quality of life defined as three effects: coronary vasodilator, decreases cholesterol and is a mild sedative. Accordingly and in a practical way, a lunchtime or evening that you arrive home and no longer have to drive, a cocacho zámpate. The most recommended are spirits whiskey, red wine or pisco puro. Instead of taking nitroglycerin to dilate the arteries or cholesterol-lowering statins or a valium to be quiet, you get all that with a good drink. And if you do in the company of people who want the effect is doubled. But just a warning note: moderate drinking is one or two glasses, because if you pack all day and I'll paste the exact opposite effect and will kill you faster than you think.
This means that all guidelines are useful, but do not overdo it, especially not Dogmatic. If you make a grill for your family or your friends, do not come with that as it is very greasy chorizo \u200b\u200bor my doctor told me to only take two drinks, period. Nothing can replace the joy and pleasure to converse with those who love you, no fat or drink that can not be metabolized in a good time for recreation, the compensation mechanism of our body are still poorly understood but it happens, if you enjoy truly becomes mortal sin venial.
TE true because everything is inside and portrait of Dorian Gray which your body is going to express in old age inside and out. The bad nights, the moths, the excesses of all kinds will make life very painful old, shameful and unhappy and not only you but your family.
The main loss is an old is your partner and consequently the emergence of solitude. Typically, couples do not grow old together, someone always comes first with what upsets the status quo all you stand. Begin to be a burden to your family. My personal recommendation is to try not to lose (as long as they lucidity) control of their environment, that means For example: I decide where and with whom I go out, I eat, how I dress, who to call, what time I sleep, what I read, what I get distracted, I buy, where I live, etc.. Because when you can not do that you've become a full lead, a drag on the lives of others.
a. Third Age: Officially from 60, but for marketing reasons some companies have advanced to 55 (eg supermarkets).
is supposed to be over age 80 (no consensus). B.
Fourth Age and Aging: Beginning at age 80 and ends at 90. C.
Longevity: Starts at 90 and ends when you die, if you spend the 100 and are "flesh of a mummy"
d. Healthy Aging: No one is healthy at 50, are healthy young people, old people are always one or many ailments that are specific to age. It
question then is healthy aging, this is controlled with the aches and without complications.
If you want to know how live and how to get to that age MIRA O REMEMBER YOUR OLD. The genetic load is essential to establish a prognosis. Who had cancer or stroke before 60 transmit genes to their children so the likelihood of developing these diseases increases. Logically
developing a chronic disease requires the presence of several factors, the gene is only one of them.
"We are what we eat and naturists say they were right. If genetic load in addition to push you 3 or 4 teaspoons of sugar in each coffee you drink, taste all the flakes of grilled chicken and smack you with the Greaves of the weekend are becoming pipes (arteries) in your circulatory system, the equivalent of a soda straw sucking. Ergo, there is good circulation, no good oxygenation, translation = cell death otrosí say = untimely aging. Therefore if you want a healthy old age, from the age of 50 watch your diet and stop eating junk.
A good breakfast, good lunch and a bad (low) dinner are the key to balancing your internal environment. So Aquaman, stop zamparte lomo saltado a double at each meeting!
Coupled with the diet is drinking. Abandon all gaseous, that can take young people, not us. All soft drinks have sodium carbonate, sugar and caffeine. At our age, these substances are stomping the pancreas and liver to wear them. Making chicha, lemonade, juices. Even the beer is better and which is made with boiled water, has natural ingredients and NO SODIUM (eye hypertensive). On the other hand there is much clinical evidence showing that moderate consumption of alcohol after age 50 improves the quality of life defined as three effects: coronary vasodilator, decreases cholesterol and is a mild sedative. Accordingly and in a practical way, a lunchtime or evening that you arrive home and no longer have to drive, a cocacho zámpate. The most recommended are spirits whiskey, red wine or pisco puro. Instead of taking nitroglycerin to dilate the arteries or cholesterol-lowering statins or a valium to be quiet, you get all that with a good drink. And if you do in the company of people who want the effect is doubled. But just a warning note: moderate drinking is one or two glasses, because if you pack all day and I'll paste the exact opposite effect and will kill you faster than you think.
This means that all guidelines are useful, but do not overdo it, especially not Dogmatic. If you make a grill for your family or your friends, do not come with that as it is very greasy chorizo \u200b\u200bor my doctor told me to only take two drinks, period. Nothing can replace the joy and pleasure to converse with those who love you, no fat or drink that can not be metabolized in a good time for recreation, the compensation mechanism of our body are still poorly understood but it happens, if you enjoy truly becomes mortal sin venial.
TE true because everything is inside and portrait of Dorian Gray which your body is going to express in old age inside and out. The bad nights, the moths, the excesses of all kinds will make life very painful old, shameful and unhappy and not only you but your family.
The main loss is an old is your partner and consequently the emergence of solitude. Typically, couples do not grow old together, someone always comes first with what upsets the status quo all you stand. Begin to be a burden to your family. My personal recommendation is to try not to lose (as long as they lucidity) control of their environment, that means For example: I decide where and with whom I go out, I eat, how I dress, who to call, what time I sleep, what I read, what I get distracted, I buy, where I live, etc.. Because when you can not do that you've become a full lead, a drag on the lives of others.
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