El Limón (Citrus limonun Risso, Citrus limon (L.) Burm., Citrus medica) is a miracle product to kill cancer cells. Is 10,000 times more potent than chemotherapy. Why are not aware it? Because there are organizations interested in finding a synthetic version, which allows them to make fabulous profits. So from now on you can help a friend in need, letting you know that you should drink lemon juice to prevent the disease. Its flavor is agradable.Y of course does not produce the horrific effects of chemotherapy. And yes it is doing so, plant a lemon tree in your yard or jardín.Todas parts are useful.
The next time you want to drink a juice, natural lemon ask for it without preservatives.
How many people die while this has been a closely guarded secret so as not to in irrigation multimillion profits of large corporations?
As you well know the lemon tree is low. Does not occupy much space. He is known by the name of Lemon, lemon, lime, Limoeiro (gal.) LLIMONA (cat.), limoiaritz (eusk.).
The vegetable is a citrus fruit that comes in different forms flesh can eat it directly or it is normally used to make drinks, sherbet, sweets etc. ..
The interest of this plant is due to its strong anti-cancer effects. And although he attributed many more properties, the most interesting is the effect it produces on cysts and tumors. This plant is a remedy proved cancer for cancers of all types. Some argue that it is useful in all forms of cancer.
It is considered also as an anti-microbial spectrum against bacterial and fungal infections. It is effective against internal parasites and worms, regulates high blood pressure and antidepressant, combat stress and nervous disorders.
The source of this information is fascinating: it comes from one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world, who says that after more than 20 laboratory tests conducted from 1970 extracts showed that: Destroy
cells malignas en 12 tipos de cáncer, incluyendo el de colon, de pecho, de próstata, pulmón y del páncreas.
Los compuestos de este árbol demostraron actuar 10,000 veces mejor retardando el crecimiento de las células de cáncer que el producto Adriamycin, una droga quimioterapéutica, normalmente usada en el mundo.
Y lo que es todavía más asombroso: este tipo de terapia con el extracto de limón, destruye tan sólo las malignas células del cáncer y no afecta las células sanas.
Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud, L.L.C. 819 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 1201
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