Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pokemon World Online Mac

132 - Attack on the integrity of national territory, the independence or the unity of the State Penal Law

Here is an article with many different figures.

Article 132.

penalty of ten to thirty years imprisonment, and two to ten years' disqualification:

  1. (Attack on the national territorial integrity, independence or the unity of the state) . The citizen who performs direct action to bring the national territory or a part thereof, to the sovereignty of a foreign government, or to impair the integrity or disrupt the unity of the state.
  2. (military or political services rendered to a foreign state at war with Uruguay) .- The citizen who takes up arms or performs military service or political support to a foreign state at war with Uruguay, and seconded his plans to supply war materials or money.
  3. (Disclosure of secrets) .- The citizen who reveals the political and military secrets, concerning state security, or facilitates their knowledge.
  4. (with foreign intelligence for military purposes) .- The city that keeps intelligence with a foreign government to launch a war or carry out acts of hostility against the Republic, or violates other facts directly aimed at the same end.
  5. (sabotage of buildings and military equipment) .- A citizen who, in collusion with a foreign government, or as to support their plans, destroys or mutilates ships, airplanes, ports, railroads, forts, arsenals, and munitions of war for the defense of the state.
  6. (Attack on the Constitution) .- A citizen who, by direct action, he intends to change the constitution or form of government by means that are not supported by domestic public law.

This case is quite large, many varieties of intelligence would come here (and consequently a fairly long list of movies), but I opted for an option within the first item. So I took the case directly to terrorism, and in the movie True Lies a citizen of a country is collaborating with a terrorist group.
I think the character in question falls well in the profile of a Co-Author, implementing and facilitating the verb nuclerar the author if you also run.
never thought I would start this with a James Cameron film, JEJ, but good, and this movie is worth it, has lots of action and good comedy (not exactly provided by Tom Arnold).
Greetings, LEFEVRE.


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