Monday, May 16, 2011

Thank Phrases For Symphay

SPAIN: Health leads the spending cuts to address health system

benefits account for 35% of autonomous budgets.

No community, except Catalonia, has developed a special savings plan.

EMILIO DE BENITO Madrid 16 MAY 2011 - 15:24 CET


staff Hospital Clinic of Barcelona by cuts in public health in Catalonia. / Carlo Ribas

The NHS is a cat too fierce for anyone to dare to put the Rattlesnake cuts. Or at least, to do so publicly. Since the end of decentralization in 2002, the powers are autonomous, but, except in Catalonia, there has been no director who has explained where the scissors put him in the service most valued by citizens. And the Catalan than it is only half-measures with the frozen face of protests, yet other communities to come together after the election of 22-M.

The cake is handled is not small: it is, according to 2010 data from the Ministry of Health, an item that sum of 63.768 million euros, 6.1% of GDP. But with the rejection public opinion to the cuts, communities have found a formula to rely on the central government. They propose, agree, and the Ministry of Health that gives the face. That is what happened last year in the Inter-Territorial Council had agreed savings measures.

Of these, the first affected staff. Although doctors and nurses are employed, your employer is the same communities (with the exception of Income, which manages the health of Ceuta and Melilla). And so came the 5% cut in salary that affected other public employees. Given that staff costs are 43.4% of health, it throws 27,675.3 million in wages. After that 5% means savings for communities, which are paid, of 1,384 million.

The fall in costs is estimated at 2,500 million a year

The second step was to create a central shopping get better prices from suppliers. The system has not yet yielded results, he has been to create a new figure. Its approval was passed on 8 April and, in principle, will begin with the purchase of flu vaccine next year. Although the idea was unanimously supported a year ago, only eight of the 17 have been assigned: Aragón, Asturias, Baleares, Cantabria, Castilla y León, Comunidad Valenciana, Extremadura and Madrid.

Figures system

total expenditure. In 2010, health care consumed 63.768 million euros, 6.1% of GDP .

 Personal . payroll spending is the most important item: 43.4% of total (27,675,000). The reduction of 5% of salary meant, therefore, a saving of 1.384 million .

pharmaceutical spending. In the 12 months from April 2010 March 2011 grant of prescriptions (drugs dispensed at pharmacies) accounted for 11.895 million euros, 5.7% less than the 12.619 million a year earlier.

 Hospitals. represent approximately 40% of drug costs. The savings in this game has been about 300 million .

 Total . Health has saved an estimated 1.275 million in drugs.

There is no political bias that have been targeted. Three governed by the PP, and lack some of the most prominent among those governed by the PSOE, as Andalusia. Health sources played down these absences, and explain that some of those who are not already had biennial contracts with suppliers, and others, such as Andalusia, believe they can get good prices alone. The estimated savings from this initiative will 3.3 million euros, according to the ministry, but may increase if more communities are targeted or if it extends the centralized purchasing to other products (working in contracts with absorbent, diapers, adult incontinent).

heading remains juicy.
Two royal decrees approved last year involved a price reduction of drugs and medical devices, and a tightening of the calculation of prices ( the maximum subsidized), which has become the cheapest drug within those generic, rather than the average of three more flights as it was before March. The results have been withering on the pharmaceutical bill (which pay for drugs administrations that citizens buy prescription). In total, data are taken April 2010 March 2011 the purchase of prescription drugs has led to communities of 11.895 million euros, while in the same period of the previous 12 months (April 2009 March 2010) amounted to 12.619 million. This means that the savings have been, at least, 724 million (5.74%).

This figure is solo según el cálculo más conservador, ya que presupone que el gasto farmacéutico de 2011, antes de las medidas, iba a ser igual al de 2010. Teniendo en cuenta que siempre, hasta ahora, había habido un aumento, el ahorro real es mayor. Por ejemplo, si se considera que entre 2011 y 2010 el incremento hubiera sido del 3%, el ahorro llegaría a los 1.100 millones.
Y a esta cifra le falta la de las compras hechas por los hospitales. Teniendo en cuenta los datos de la patronal Farmaindustria de que las ventas a centros hospitalarios son aproximadamente el 40% de lo que venden a farmacias, eso querría decir que el ahorro a las comunidades por los recortes sería de otros 300 millones aproximadamente.

So in total we can speak of a reduction of about 1,200 or 1,300 million. The Ministry of Health is more specific, and in April announced, though without giving a breakdown, which pharmaceutical expenditure had fallen by 1.275 million in 10 months. If you add the savings in salaries, we can speak of a cut of 2,500 million. Is it too much? In absolute terms, sure. But in relative terms represents about 5% of health spending, and less argues that the deficit has only Catalonia.

Recipes in the spotlight

Posts cut, preferring to communities in drug purchases. Galicia was the first who tried, by developing a catalog of products that could only be prescribed the cheapest. The system was, at bottom, similar to that established by the Ministry of Health when setting reference prices, but the products concerned do not coincide. The result was that both systems overlapped, which had less access Galicians to drugs than the rest of the country's population. The Ministry of Health argued that inequality to appeal, and the Constitution, the admissible, froze its implementation.

Castilla-La Mancha is considering a parallel system of recipes. Some products (cheaper) may be prescribed by the computerized system with primary care physicians (one of the most advanced communities in electronic prescriptions). The other, more expensive, need to be prescribed on paper, what a way to keep in your wallet, but to discourage their use.

Andalusia also has launched a new system: to auction the supply of some medicines and health products. The idea is that between equivalent products, who will bid to win more cheaply. This means, in practice, go beyond the reference price system in terms of lower prices. Health to be seen whether he accepts it.


Work Right Shower Door Part

SPAIN: 15m Movement camping at kilometer 0

Hundreds of young people are concentrated in Puerta del Sol in condemning what they call the "excesses of the capitalist system"

Joaquin Gil Madrid 17 MAY 2011 - 00:46 CET

J oung, tonight at Puerta del Sol / LUIS SEVILLANO

25m movement, who on Sunday toured the streets of 50 English cities to combat job insecurity, poor access to housing and lack of expectations, since Sunday has focused on one of the hot spots of Spain: Puerta del Sol, the kilometer 0 of the country. About 500 activists, between 30 and 40, remain camped since the end of the protest to condemn the excesses of globalization "and the holes of a system, they say, is unfair and unbalanced. The concentration is spontaneous, but the word of mouth and the social networking have enhanced, supported the protesters.

"We are against the policy and the uncertainty that has condemned neoliberalism, 'criticizes Tomás Muñoz, a journalist for 26 years and stop acting" official spokesman "(they are different and are organized to meet the demand for means).

claim that another politics is possible and are contrary to bipartisanship

concentrates have called a meeting for tonight at midnight, which will define their position on local and regional elections next Sunday. Its members, a priori, do not ask for a vote for any party but do not call for abstention. Condemn the bipartisan system, mentioning the anti-globalization theme, they claim that "another politics is possible." "We want answers," shouted a young megaphone in hand, prompting applause. gratfiteros Two, meanwhile, finalize the banner: "We do not look. Question. Affects you, too. "

concentrates demanded the release of 24 activists," five of them minors, who remain in detention after midnight on Sunday. "We were subject to brutal repression," denounced the spokesman, who criticized the "bad form · of National Police," which, according to e, l "invited" to dismantle the tent, operations center.

Its members, a priori, do not ask for a vote for any party but do not call for abstention

have time and inclination to protest. They are academics, unemployed, students, mileuristas (at best) and citizens who, anonymously, want to show their support for the concentrates. "Our son, who has a degree in political science and journalism finds no work and no right to it, "criticizes a couple of officials from about 50 years.

"The way politics is frustrating and it had to explode somewhere," Muñoz crying, shouting and applause.

concentrates Ensure that the protest was "spontaneous "and not part of Real Democracy Movement now!, which called the demonstration on Sunday. However, both the former and feel sympathetic to organizations such as the international movement ATTAC I the French anti-capitalist party Olivier Besancenot (5% in European elections).


Sample Baby And Congratulations Message

U.S. sues Deutsche Bank for fraud in subprime mortgages

Washington accused of minimizing the risk to obtain government guarantees

Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Preet Bharara, yesterday at a news conference. - S. STAPLETON (Reuters)

POZZI MICHAEL - New York - 04/05/2011

United States begins to demand accountability from the big banks for abuses committed in the mortgage market during the boom. The first focus is the German group Deutsche Bank and its subsidiary MortgageIT, which was accused of fraud for misleading systematically to determine the loans would be covered by government guarantees. The amount of compensation claimed may exceed 1,000 billion dollars (about 675 million euros), three times the $ 386 million that are estimated payments by Administration under the alleged fraud.

claim may amount to more than 1,000 million

The lawsuit, filed by civil proceedings by the prosecutor Preet Bharara, is released when they are about to be completed four years the bursting of the housing bubble in the U.S., the epicenter of the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression . The Justice Department representative said that the entity "flagrant disregard" if they could pay mortgage loans.

According to the lawsuit, the German subsidiary of a decade violated the program rules of Agency Housing, which helps secure mortgage funds. And speaking of that illegally backed loans totaling 5,000 million dollars between 1999 and 2009, corresponding to the principal of 39,000 mortgages. To achieve the government guarantees, the Deutsche Bank and its subsidiary MortgageIT falsely certified that borrowers were not at risk of default, the suit says.

That is, the entity literally misled regulators about the quality of the mortgages. But also the demand shows that Deutsche Bank took advantage after the resale of these junk mortgage assets , even though many of the owners were delinquent or were about to lose their homes over unpaid loans they received.

Deutsche Bank was one of the leading packagers of mortgage-related debt. In this sense, the action of the Attorney New York explains that the agency was devoting significant resources "to build as quickly as possible" the government-insured mortgages for resale to investors, instead of focusing on preserving the quality of loans .

As feared Bharara emphasizes, the same as leading the battle against insider trading on Wall Street or confidential, it happened while "thousands of households have faced eviction and the Government had to pay hundreds of millions in claims "through the public guarantee program. A cost estimated at $ 386 million.

Deutsche Bank responded to these allegations flatly rejecting that has lied to the U.S. Government for these loans were included in the federal program. But if the past serves as a reference to anticipate what will happen with this case, the financial firms tend to resolve these disputes with an extrajudicial agreement to exempt it from acknowledging his guilt.

The announcement of the lawsuit caused an immediate fall in the value of Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt market, which left about 2% to close the trading day, which led in turn drag effect the index of leading banks in Europe. As noted by traders on the floor, is bad news that scares investors.
