Monday, May 16, 2011

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Merkel se enfrenta al BCE por la reestructuración de la deuda griega


Rosalia Sanchez

ECB headquarters in Frankfurt this morning, a hotbed of anger and threats, all against the German chancellor. According to several published financial means, Germany and the IMF are willing to orchestrate an orderly restructuring

public debt of Greece
in which the ECB, as a major debt holder Greek will have to pay Most of the pieces.

Germany What arises is a "small restructuring" in which the affected bonds can be selected and parceled out, so that takes it does not affect both the private banking as the ECB through an operation that is being given the name "Reprofiling." The response of the leadership of the ECB is angry and is leading to a brawl as never seen in the history of the entity . "Merkel wants to leave the hot potato in front of the ECB. What they propose is that Greece is not immune either more money or more guarantees of the European partners, but with money from the ECB and that is to attack directly the independence of this institution, "says a senior executive of the ECB to the newspaper Die Welt, which opens today at home with the headline "Government and the ECB on collision course."

Reviews Chancellor environment Even the German members of the Council of the ECB and trusted individuals Merkel are being publicly

outcry . The issuing bank's chief economist Juergen Stark, said that "the idea that the crisis can be resolved only through Greek budget a reduction of debt is pure illusion. "

Chancellery, meanwhile, prefers to remain silent. Last night should have taken place in Berlin, Merkel's meeting with Strauss-Kahn did not take place for obvious reasons. But the agenda of German Chancellor does not collect any appointment with his replacement in office and the Finance Ministry sources suggest that Germany's position with the IMF is already set

and not much else to talk to the European Council. Against the possibility of a remission, The ECB argues that only serve to reduce helena debt would remain above 100% of GDP despite a 50% off, and underline the seismic effect it would have on the bench.

Most Greek debt is held by central banks , 40% as financial resources, which represents some 340,000 million euros.

can not think of a private bank participation because it is under conditions that a source of ECB calls " a

fig leaf." Source


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