Archery Software Windows Mobile
pain correction in the world, part 1
problem: The free fall of the world in a global crisis and the looming lack of natural resources (Oil, water, etc.) Make it necessary to transform the global economy in a reasonable fuel economy. Many people, including businessmen, economists, politicians, and others agree with this conclusion. However, one can imagine the possibility of human existence without competition, according to the principle of "to each according to his needs." It's even harder to imagine a peaceful and coordinated transition to the production and use reasonable, limited. The future seems to be in a society reasonable consumer
created by a few survivors of the war. Is it an option peaceful transition to the practice of fair use? The solution to a peaceful transition to a reasonable consumption: We need to create a critical mass of intelligent people who realize that the current system no longer works. The paper (cause) of the crisis is to increase dramatically the number of people prepared to assess the real problems with prudence and reason. The main task during this period is to maximize the number of people who are aware of the problem, explaining the actual mechanisms operating in the world for your attitude before the world is objective, constructive and based on the correct value system. This period ends when the number of people correctly understand the problem of humanity be large enough to produce a significant impact on society. Develop a reasonable model of consumption society, ensuring normal development: The model consists of a financial and spiritual. spiritual development and filling have to make up the human need for economic growth beyond what is necessary. Implementation of the model
1.-Establish and develop a network education. Learning about life , according to the model developed in a reasonable consumer society. 2.-Implementation
Urgent Tasks:
Today, we are in the middle of the first of four phases:
The development of a network structure that can explain the adult population the critical state of humanity and the only sustainable model of society future. Defining the principles of comprehensive education for children, which are necessary to provide the skills for survival in the new conditions (integral) of nature.
. The development of an economic model.
. The development of a spiritual model.
. The promotion of economic and spiritual models for the world, through the network structure.
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