Monday, May 16, 2011

Big Green Egg Table Reviews

Ingeniero Gilberto Reynoso en exclusiva a Primicias, Aborda grave problema contaminación de RD rivers

SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011

Engineer Gilberto Reynoso, a specialist in water resources, exclusively for First Fruits addresses the serious problem environmental pollution of rivers in the country. The work will be published in installments and has no waste. Pollution of Rivers Dominicans, a serious environmental problem

The quality of water flowing through rivers reflects the health status of all bodies within the watershed, since it is the result of their interaction with the other components of the environment, among which exerts a decisive man.

From a global standpoint, the rivers are a transport system which evacuates the excess rainfall and primary production of a territory to the sea. The rivers are capable of self, transforming the organic matter that reaches them through physical, chemical and biological. An important part of these elements are incorporated into the aquatic system itself and one is transported to the point of mouths. The transport and processing capacity of rivers has made the man has always used as landfills. Traditionally rivers have always received residues of all civilizations. Until relatively recent years (40 years), rivers in our country have time and opportunity to cleanse itself receiving wastewater from a population before reaching the next course located below. But the increasing consumption of water with increasing population density, the discharge of untreated sewage and agricultural and industrial development has caused the pollution load that reaches our rivers, considerably exceeding its self-purification capacity. That burden is not just proportional to the density of population of the basin, but, moreover, its throughput or amount of external energy used. The increase of hazardous material would require lengthening the course of the river required for self-purification or equivalently, the installation of treatment plants to accelerate the natural processes that normally would take place on the River. Moreover, the continued development of new synthetic compounds, which have not been present in the evolution of organisms and whose effects have not been offset by corresponding adjustments, become sensitive to the biological communities and difficult, or made inoperative, the natural purification processes. The variety and toxicity of pollutants is increasing day by day, especially substances non-biodegradable which can not be recycled and accumulate in the environment and in organisms. line with the increase of water demand and diversification of pollutants, the state of rivers has deteriorated. Different pollutants modify the physico-chemical aquatic receptors, as well as the communities that inhabit these environments.

pollution entails a loss of value and uses of water ("water quality") and now constitutes one of the most serious environmental problems of our society. The most important factors of pollution is sewage, domestic and industrial, the massive use of phosphate detergents, excess irrigation water in agriculture that have been enriched with fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, and water runoff following logging or fire, mobilized a large proportion of the nutrients in the soil. There are other factors of pollution, river ecosystem source outside the Dominican Republic considered contaminants, such as temperature change and the introduction of new species.

Human activities also has influence in many ways the quality of the waters of our rivers, not only by pollution. In recent years has increased the extraction of aggregates of channels, changing the current regime, increasing the amount of suspended solids and water loss through evaporation and seepage (as examples can be taken Nigua rivers, Nice, Yubazo and Yuna) have cut the journey of the main rivers through dams, the river by removing the energy invested in the migration of its channel and modifying the sediment load would be transported naturally into the sea, which induces one part to the rapid sedimentation of reservoirs and the regression of deltas. At the same time, regulation of the flow in terms human demands river undergoes a continuous stress. With all these human activities, Dominican rivers are currently under severe disturbance, which in many cases, appears to be irreversible (Yaque del Norte, Nice, Yaque del Sur, and accelerates the natural cycles, transmitting the disturbance of one ecosystem to another.

State Pollution of major rivers

Dominicans. The Dominicans river pollution stems in part from the unique natural features of our river systems, compounded cause high human pressure. Most basins are in sectors with notable differences in terms of scarcity and variability of rainfall and temperatures, which are the main determinants of the natural hydrological regime of streams. The lower basins are characterized by low Correntias most of the time and high runoff in the upper reaches of the river, producing increases in flow and flooding in the lowlands.


other hand, most consumers of water activity in the major regions of the country has been agriculture. From the 70's and early eighties with the implementation of Tavera Dam (1973), Valdesia (1976), Corner (1978), Sabana Yegua (1980), Sabaneta (1981) and Hatillo (1984) develops a policy of expanding crop irrigated water demand close to regulated water resources, significantly altering the flow regime of rivers and water becoming a scarce natural resource in the outputs of the Dominican rivers to the sea.

As a result of all these human activities, pollution of river water is mainly organic in nature, with no heavy metals and other toxic ions, and is due primarily an urban discharges and pollution by nitrates and pesticides in irrigation water. Yaque del Norte River: Pollution Manabao starts in walking distance of his birth, with the entry of the second tributary, the Arroyo Grande River. However, its average volume of 7 m3 / s and the forces that slip their water is pure enough for self-purification. On their way through the Yaque Jarabacoa receives the first substantial discharge untreated wastewater, through the Canada Good Herbs, and to a lesser amount through Jimenoa River, but the Yaque has time and sufficient capacity to cleanse itself before Dam reach of Tavera. Tavera Dam located 63 km of his birth, cutting the journey from the Yaque River, taking the energy invested in transporting sediment loads transported naturally into the sea. Now, sediment and nutrients from runoff that carries upstream are deposited in the dam, shortening its life significantly (to February 1993 he had accumulated 35.86 million m3 and February 2011, is estimated at 76 million m3 the amount of accumulated sediments), which represent 44% of its storage capacity, this means that with 38 years of age, has lost nearly half his life useful. addition, Tavera and Bao and poor operation have been a factor in the degradation of the ecosystem of the Rio Yaque river, with the loss of aquatic biodiversity, cumulative impacts on water quality and altered channel.

In the stretch between Las Charcas and Navarrete

Road - Amina (mainly passing through Santiago) El Yaque receives the largest amount of wastewater discharges and urban and suburban sludge without treatment and solid waste of all kinds . The results of analysis of water samples in this section indicate that at the height of Las Charcas pollution level is very low, but from that point there is a high contamination with microorganisms present in human feces (Echeri Chacolí). These levels of contamination than 1000 part per 100 ml, disable the use of river water for all purposes, including recreation. Source


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