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Hawking: 'El cielo es un cuento de hadas para los que tienen miedo a la muerte'


astrophysicist Stephen Hawking. Efe

19:44 hours

The renowned British scientist Stephen Hawking, author of 'A Brief History of Time', believes that the idea of \u200b\u200bparadise and life after death is a "fairy tale" of people who are afraid of death. This was affirmed most prominent scientist in the UK in a

interview published Monday in the British newspaper 'The Guardian' , which returns to emphasize its rejection of religious beliefs and believes that there is nothing after the time when the brain stops working. Hawking points out that his illness - Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) - has led to better enjoy life in spite of the difficulties involved, since evil is suffering from neuro-degenerative progressive and prevents it from moving and talking.

"I have lived with the prospect of premature death during the past 49 years.

I have no fear of dying, but I have no hurry to die. There are many things I want to do before "said the scientist.


I think the brain like a computer that will stop operating when components fail . There is no heaven or life after death for computers stop working. This is a fairy tale for people who are afraid of the dark, "said the former professor of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics University of Cambridge.

Enjoying life

In his interview, Hawking, 69, emphasizes the importance of enjoying life and doing good things and also refers to small quantum fluctuations, which in the beginning of the universe were " seed "that gave rise to the formation of galaxies, stars and human life.

"Science predicts that different types of universe will be created from nothing and spontaneously," he added.

The scientist, who speaks with the aid of a voice synthesizer, suggests that it is possible to decipher our sources with modern tools that could help detect ancient tracks in the spatial light left in the first moments of the formation of the universe. Hawking, who in 1989 he was awarded the Prince of Asturias Award for Concord has worked throughout his life to unravel the laws governing the universe.

Together with his colleague Roger Penrose showed that
Theory of Relativity of Albert Einstein

implies that space and time have to have a beginning, which he calls 'big bang', and an end in black holes.

In his latest book ,

'Great Design' , astrophysicist claims that God is not necessary to explain the origin of the universe.



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