. We always think we have to conquer the enemy abroad, and in fact this is just imagination. If we conquer ourselves, then the external enemy disappears. And if not, then we must also fight overseas, meanwhile, to save time. Ie work in a material way, to give us place and time to work spiritual.
. At its root, the people of Israel not from here, and then perform a particular path until breaking through in the Kelim (vessels), breaking the soul enter into the human system. And since then we are in, here, in the beginning we are broken and we must be corrected. And according to the size of our correction is correct then the general ego.
. The children of Israel are different from other nations in the world, because in them is a different internal attribute, which is here enclosed, and that comes from the Upper world.
. We received a call-we have to wake up and remember that we are here with a special mission. This is not really our place. We are a totally different place. And then we need to find our friends and gather them in groups and prepare to conquer the planet Earth. This is the mission.
. If we want the killing to stop, to behave differently, if we put in order the relations between us, there is no external force, no enemy can touch us. But on condition that we find ourselves in the quality of bestowal.
. The land of Israel is a symbol of the state we need to build as founded on the strength of the award, mutual love, "and love your neighbor as yourself", "no do to others what is hateful to you, in providing mutual, we have no choice - we are here and here we have to build the rule of Grant, love, and thereby set an example for everyone. Only in this way succeed against the enemy, achieve independence and stop all these sacrifices.
. We have to push ourselves with the strength of the Arvut (mutual guarantee), connection, unity, the "we" do not have the capacity to do so, but we want to come by studying the light and make us the connection. This means that we build on the mutual granting common place and the intention to reveal the Creator and give pleasure. And this is our entire mission.
. All our attention should be directed to the studio who I am, what I am, who I spins, where I go. Everything in the interior. Hence the wisdom of Kabbalah is called the inner wisdom - because here there is nothing out of the desire of the creature which is achieved within, and through it reaches its Creator.
. The issue of prayer is a very sensitive issue, expressing the connection of the person with the Upper Force.
. All I think about the future is called prayer, and to whom gold is already an additional question: to nature, fate, my way future or the Higher Power that today is good and bad morning.
. Based on the idea that you can change the Superior force, from all mystical tendencies, who supposedly know how to reward and entice the Higher Power, to be good.
There is a different attitude and very rare, it says that the higher does not change, and that you must change yourself according to nature. This is the kabbalistic attitude.
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